Success is very seductive, isn't it?
We all what to be successful, but exactly what does that mean? What does it entail? What does it look like?
Initially, many of us may subscribe to society's prevailing definition of success: the well-paid job, the big house, the expensive car, the 2.5 kids, the holiday house, the wardrobe full of labels, the holidays overseas... (insert success measure here).
Some of us strive to achieve this ideal of success, only to discover the closer we get to it that its a hollow victory or even an illusion. We exhaust ourselves, getting sick and sometimes almost killing ourselves in the process. We incurr huge amounts of debt, trapping ourselves permantly in the hamster wheel, running around and around, going nowhere. We make ourselves miserable, unable to remember the last time we were happy, or even what makes us happy. And we make those around us miserable too.
If we're lucky we get a wake up call. Life throws us a curve ball from left field or reveals an insight that allows us the time and space to re-evaluate our defitinion of success, to find out what makes us happy. Often we resist these opportunities vigorously. I know that was my experience. We fear change, and we don't want our apple cart upset. And sometimes others don't want us upsetting their apple carts either.
It takes courage to swim against the tide. To take the road less travelled. To declare the emperor has no clothes. To image a life lived on your terms.
That brings me back to the squiggle illustration above. I first saw it at the BHB 2013 Conference last weekend, and it got me thinking. Really thinking. Then it popped up on FB a day later. Now I'm a girl that has learned to recognise the subtle messages and clues the universe sends me. So I sat up and paid attention.
To make my path as smooth as possible I need to be really clear about what success means to me. How do I define it? What does it look like? How does it feel?
In my life, I get to create the rules. I have choices. I get to choose where I want to go, and how I get there. Its taken me a long time to realise that, and really believe that its possible.
So when Pip shared with us her "10 rules to make my life awesome" I sat up and paid attention again.
They went something like this:
1. eat well
2. prioritise you
3. prioritise creativity
4. be mindful of friends and family
5. write your story
6. look for clues
7. be proud
8. do things you don't know how to do
9. improve things
10. look for happy moments.
Pip, I hope I got these right - I was writing as fast as I could while you were talking.
I reckon Pip's list is a damn good place to start as I try to create my own rules, and define success on my terms. No wonder I got so lost almost four years ago - 1, 2, 3 and 5 weren't even on my list! But I do know "learn to let go of stuff" needs to be in there.
How are you travelling? Have you got a road map for your awesome life?